Sauna and Footbath New Client Paperwork

Please note…

These guidelines are in place for your protection and ours, as we strive to serve you to the best of our ability.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your first appointment.

Please understand the importance of keeping your appointments. We do have a 48 hour new client/24 hour regular client appointment cancellation policy that is strictly enforced.

Please contact our Client Advocate if you have any questions or need additional information.

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Are you currently a client of The Well of Life Center?

In Case of Emergency, please contact:


I hereby acknowledge that the Well of Life Center for Natural Health, LLC, through its Clinicians, employees, and/or independent contractors (collectively “Well of Life”) have explained to me the necessity of obtaining my signed waiver of liability in order for me to use the Far Infrared Sauna or IonCleanse Foot Bath when any of the following contraindications are present:


Like all professional equipment, you may put yourself at risk if you do not fully understand how to use
the sauna. Infrared saunas' use as creating a cure for or treating any disease is neither implied nor should be inferred. Drinking an electrolyte-replacing water or a sports drink is strongly recommended before and after use.

Important Safeguards

Never sleep inside the sauna while it is on

Do not use during an electrical storm, as there is a remote risk of shock


If any of the items listed below apply to you, be certain to consult with your physician before using an infrared sauna.




Insensitivity to Heat

The Elderly


Cardiovascular Conditions


Alcohol/Alcohol Abuse

Joint Injury


Chronic Conditions/Diseases Associated With Reduced Ability To Sweat Or Perspire


Hemophiliacs/Individuals Prone To Bleeding

Saunas & Medications

Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician or a pharmacist for possible changes in the drug's effect when the body is exposed to infrared waves or elevated body temperature. Diuretics, barbiturates, and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. Anticholinergics such as amitriptyline may inhibit sweating and can predispose individuals to heat rash or to a lesser extent, heat stroke. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines, may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.

Saunas & Children

The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. When using with a child, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Saunas & The Elderly

The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. The body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes in order to maintain core body temperature. When using with the elderly, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Saunas & Cardiovascular Conditions

Individuals with cardiovascular conditions or problems (hypertension/hypotension), congestive heart failure, impaired coronary circulation or those who are taking medications which might affect blood pressure should exercise caution when exposed to prolonged heat. Heat stress increases cardiac output and blood flow in an effort to transfer internal body heat to the outside environment via the skin (perspiration) and respiratory system. This takes place primarily due to major changes in the heart rate, which has the potential to increase by thirty (30) beats per minute for each degree increase in core body temperature.

Saunas & Alcohol/Alcohol Abuse

Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to attempt to “sweat out” a hangover. Alcohol intoxication decreases a person’s judgment; therefore, he/she may not realize when the body has a negative reaction to high heat. Alcohol also increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress.

Saunas & Chronic Conditions/Diseases Associated With Reduced Ability To Sweat Or


Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors and Diabetes with Neuropathy are conditions that
are associated with impaired sweating.

Saunas & Hemophiliacs/Individuals Prone To Bleeding

The use of infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding.

Saunas & Fever

An individual who has a fever should not use an infrared sauna until the fever subsides.

Saunas & Insensitivity to Heat

An individual with insensitivity to heat should not use an infrared sauna.

Saunas & Pregnancy

Pregnant women should consult a physician before using an infrared sauna.

Saunas & Menstruation

Heating of the low back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase their menstrual flow.

Saunas & Joint Injury

If you have a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours after an injury or until the swollen symptoms subside. If you have a joint or joints that are chronically hot and swollen, these joints may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind.

Saunas & Implants

Metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your physician prior to using an infrared sauna.

Saunas & Pacemakers/Defibrillators

The magnets used to assemble our wooden saunas (not used in the Solo System) can interrupt the pacing and inhibit the output of pacemakers. Please discuss with your doctor the possible risks this may cause.

In the rare event that you experience pain and/or discomfort, immediately discontinue sauna use.


Wearer of a pacemaker or any other battery operated or electrical

implant Those individuals on heartbeat regulating medication

Organ transplant recipients

Anyone on medication, the absence of which would mentally or physically

incapacitate them, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

Any individual undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment, recent surgery or undergoing medical treatment

If you have any personal/medical conditions and are unsure if an IonCleanse is right for you, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can discuss your concerns.

Please click HERE to read our Liability Release Form and Agreement and Release of Liability. Then, sign by typing your full name in the box above. By signing, you are acknowledging that you have read and accept the terms and conditions of the above Infrared Sauna and IonCleanse Foot Bath Contraindications and Liability Release Form and Agreement and Release of Liability.

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