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Email *
Main Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number
Age *
Gender * Female Male
Height *
Current Weight *
Marital Status * Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed
Describe the symptoms you are currently experiencing: *
List any and all specific diagnoses you have received in the past 20 years: *
List any and all specific surgeries/treatments you have received in the past 20 years: *
What would you like to accomplish/gain from this consultation? *
If so, how much and how often?
If so, how much and how often?
If you have quit smoking, why, how, and when did you quit?
If so, how much and how often?
If so, how much and how often?
If so, which manufacturer and how many boosters and when did you receive them?
If so, which ones and when?
What role does exercise play in your life? *
How much water do you drink per day? *
Please list any doctor-recommended or prescribed medications, creams, supplements, or vitamins you are currently taking (for any reason). Also include any over-the-counter products you are currently taking:
If so, please list all below:
If so, please list all below:
If so, what treatments are you undergoing?
Please list any surgeries, accidents, injuries, or childhood diseases you have had, along with the type and approximate date:
What are your current eating/drinking habits? *
What are your current eating/drinking habits for lunch? *
What are your current eating/drinking habits for dinner? *
What are your current eating/drinking habits for snacks? *
What are your current drinking habits? *
What percentage of your food is home cooked? *
How often do you eat out? * Less than once a month Once a month 2-3 times per month Once a week 3-4 times per week Every day
Do you crave sugar? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you crave salt? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you feel tired, bloated, and/or gassy after meals? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you experience constipation or diarrhea? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you feel excessively hungry? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you have a poor appetite? * Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Please list any known food allergies and/or intolerances:
List anyone in your family who has suffered from...
List anyone in your family who has suffered from heart disease
List anyone in your family who has suffered from kidney disease
List anyone in your family who has suffered from asthma
List anyone in your family who has suffered from arthritis
List anyone in your family who has suffered from gallbladder disease
List anyone in your family who has suffered from intestinal disorders
List anyone in your family who has suffered from cancer
Mother's Age
If your mother is no longer living, what did she die from?
Father's Age
If your father is no longer living, what did he die from?
Maternal Grandmother's Age
If your grandmother is no longer living, what did she die from?
Maternal Grandfather's Age
If your grandfather is no longer living, what did he die from?
Paternal Grandmother's Age
If your grandmother is no longer living, what did she die from?
Paternal Grandfather's Age
If your grandfather is no longer living, what did he die from?
How old were you when you got your first period?
Are your periods regular?
How frequent are your periods?
How many days is your flow?
How many pregnancies have you had?
Do you experience PMS? --- Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
If so, is it mild or severe? --- Mild Severe Somewhere in between the two
If so, when did this change first occur?
If so, when was your last period?
List your symptoms of peri/menopause:
How many children have you delivered, and how were they born (vaginally or by cesarean)?
Were there complications associated with these births? If so, please explain:
If so, how many?
If so, how many?