Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

Loving Your Liver

The liver is one of the busiest organs in your body.  Weighing in at around 3 pounds, it is the largest organ inside the body, and it is responsible for an estimated 500 functions.  Among these are converting the thyroid’s hormones for use in the body,...
What the Frack?

What the Frack?

We have recently become aware of a potential health concern spreading through our area, and we would like to pass the word on to you. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a relatively new method of releasing petroleum, natural gas, or coal seam gas from from rock...
A Note From Victoria: Why I Chose the Well

A Note From Victoria: Why I Chose the Well

Growing up, I planned on being a doctor or a researcher in pharmaceuticals. I wanted to help people get better.  My life took a different path, and I became a nurse, but still with the intention of helping people. I even turned to modern medicine for my own health...

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